Carberry Tower | Scottish Castle Wedding Venues | Photography Review
Well this place just ticks all the boxes.
There are a few things that make my life more enjoyable as a wedding photographer, and one of those is a luxury, versatile wedding venue. From my first viewing at Carberry Tower, it struck me as a venue with photographic inspiration at every turn – from the beautiful rural setting, only 10 minutes’ drive from the coast, to the history and authenticity of the building and its’ plush, yet quirky interior. I was smitten.
The Royal family have apparently spent a lot of time here over the years. And I don’t go anywhere without having the royals road-test it for me first ;-)
Weddings are a funny beast, and as chief documentarian of the occasion I want to make sure that my clients are blown away by their images. Lighting, emotion, spontaneity, weather, timing - there are a million different factors that can affect the outcome of a photograph, some of which I can influence; others that I can’t. Finding a suitable backdrop however, is never going to be a problem at Carberry Tower; there are just so many options.
The interior of the building is as varied as the grounds are splendid. The 15th Century Scottish architecture leads you on some unexpected twists and turns, revealing both quirky little corners (which I like to exploit as hidden gems of photography potential!) and grand rooms, oozing character and with outlooks across the lush and expansive grounds.
The grounds themselves are simply a joy to work in. From the moment you turn off the road you are greeted by a long, dual row of trees forming the driveway to the estate. From here, through a quiet gap in the hedgerow, you can access the formal gardens, arboretum and very large lawns which are populated by specimen trees and many varieties of plants. Visually, the focal point of the lawns is a huge and gnarled copper beech tree imposing it’s presence over the formal gardens. It’s in fact large enough to hold your entire wedding ceremony underneath it! Although generally it's far more common for the ceremony to be held in the chapel or one of the Tower's Principal rooms.
I can safely say that, should you choose to marry in Carberry Tower, you will be making a wise investment for a happy day :-) The staff have always been courteous and helpful to myself and the other guests (which believe it or not isn’t always the case when you’re a wedding photographer!), which is a very important element to consider – helpful and efficient staff will make a potentially stressful experience something that glides effortlessly along and makes it much easier to just relax and enjoy yourself.
And of course if you need a photographer or film maker…I’ll be happy to help :-)